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Parks & Recreation 01/28/13 Minutes
Parks & Recreation Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 28, 2013, 7PM
Room 5, Town Hall
Committee Members:  Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Ron Kern (RK)
Staff:  Marty Tilton (MT), Lynne Clemens (LC), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Tardy:  Billie Luker
Call To Order:  7:05PM, Quorum called by Rita Mullin
Audience of Citizens:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:  January 7, 2013
Motion was made by Mike Fitzpatrick to accept the minutes of January 7, 2013 as is.
Pat Fillmore seconds the motion
No discussion
        Approved:  6   Opposed:  0    Abstained:   0
Motion passed.

New Business
amily:Comic Sans MS;font-size:11pt;color:#000000;">3) Crack Stix system is a putty type of substance would cost $9,462.00, or $12,450 prevailing wages
4) Patch Binder crack repair/Large crack with Dura Cal (typical of last repair) $6,723 or $8,964 prevailing wages, not considered a good option, and may only last a year or so

Discussion ensued that we have $12,000 allocated in our budget under Emergency Repairs to take care of courts.  Marty was concerned with the cost of the repair and the value we would receive since he was advised that since the courts are over 15 years which is considered the end life of an asphalt court and cracks will generally open in other spots.  It was discussed would new courts be an option and Marty stated that he was advised that new courts would cost about $50,000 per court but he does not have a written quote just a verbal.  Marty also mentioned that the USTA (United State Tennis Association) has a grant for renovations/repairs or replacement however it does have limitations to 20% reimbursement on the options.  Also, no work can be done prior to receiving a grant award.  After much discussion on which option would be best moving forward, it was requested that Marty get a written quote for new courts.

Motion was made by Billie Luker to table further discussion until after reviewing the FY13 budget report.
Pat Fillmore seconds the motion.
No discussion
        Approved:  5   Opposed:  1    Abstained:   0
        (Opposed by Mike Fitzpatrick)
Motion passed.

Parks & Recreation Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 28, 2013, 7PM
Room 5, Town Hall

7:40PM - Meeting moves into Executive Session

10:00PM – Meeting moves into Regular Session

Motion was made by Rita Mullin to table the Tennis Court at Ipswich River Park discussion until the February 11, 2013 meeting.
Pat Fillmore seconds the motion
No discussion
        Approved:  5   Opposed:  1   Abstained:   0
        (Opposed by Mike Fitzpatrick)

Sans MS;font-size:11pt;color:#000000;">Pat Fillmore seconds the motion
No discussion
        Approved:  6   Opposed:  0   Abstained:   0